


BORNSTEIN Marc H., LEACH Diane B., DE HOUWER Annick, Stability and continuity of early child vocabulary: reporter comparisons and a cumulative score for the CDI, abstract.

CHEVALLIER Coralie, MERCIER Hugo, Comprendre l'acquisition des premiers mots pour comprendre l'�mergence du langage, abstract.

DAHNKEN Claudia, The development of early infant vowel productions in a phonetical perspective, abstract.

dos SANTOS Christophe, ROSE Yvan, Acquisition des sonantes et neutralisation positionnelle : consid�rations typologiques, prosodiques et articulatoires, abstract.

DUCEY-KAUFMANN Virginie, Is the evo-devo approach paradigmatic for language motor control emergence?, abstract.

FUREY Joan E., GOODRICH Megan, Distinguishing words from jargon: Is there an influence of maternal education?, abstract.

FUSELLIER-SOUZA Ivani, Emergence et d�veloppement ontog�n�tique et phylog�n�tique des langues des signes : aspects linguistiques, cognitifs et sociaux, abstract.

GEORGE Isabelle, COUSILLAS Hugo, RICHARD Jean-Pierre, HAUSBERGER Martine, VERNIER Baptiste, Brain lateralization of auditory processing in a songbird, abstract.

GONTIER Nathalie, Does ontogeny recapitulate phylogeny in language evolution?, abstract.

HALLE P.A., DURAND C., DE BOYSSON-BARDIES B., Sensitivity to noun-phrase syntax in 11-month-olds, abstract.

HERR-ISRAEL Ellen, Single Words to Combinations: Longitudinal analysis reveals constructive processes integrating lexical and pragmatic development within a conversational context, abstract.

KE Jinyun, Analyzing language development from a network approach, abstract.

NAZZI Thierry, IAKIMOVA Galina, FREDONIE S�verine, SUNDARA Megha, POLKA Linda, Exploring the development of speech segmentation abilities in French, abstract.

NOIRAY Aude, MENARD Lucie, CATHIARD Marie-Agn�s, ABRY Christian, SAVARIAUX Christophe, The emergence of vocalic gesture control, abstract.

SALAZAR ORVIG Anne, HASSAN Rouba, LEBER MARIN Jocelyne, MARCOS Hayd�e, MORGENSTERN Aliyah, PARES Jacques, Entre discours et grammaires : les premiers d�terminants, abstract.

THORDARDOTTIR Elin, GAGNE Andr�anne, LEVY Julia, KEHAYIA Eva, LESSARD Nicole, SUTTON Ann, TRUDEAU Natacha, Systematic language sample analysis in French: normative data for conversation, abstract.

THORDARDOTTIR Elin, NAMAZI Mahchid, Lexical and morpho-syntactic development in French-speaking children with specific language impairment, abstract.

van der STELT Jeannette M., Exploring Dutch vowel production: development in the first two years, abstract.

VAN KAMPEN Jacqueline, Morph-syntactic development and the effects on the lexicon (A comparison between normal hearing children and children with a temporary hearing deficiency, abstract.

ZESIGER Pascal, BRUN Marie, DUPUIS LOZERON Elise, LEVY Arik, TACCOZ Muriel, ZANIER Ga�lle, Computerized assessment of lexical comprehension in toddlers, abstract.

Last update / Dernière mise à jour le : 15-Sep-05