

Oral presentations

BASSANO Dominique, MAILLOCHON Isabelle, MOTTET Sylvain, Noun grammaticization in French: Prosodic and lexical factors on determiner use in children's speech, abstract.

DAVIS Barbara L., MacNEILAGE Peter F., Early lexical accuracy patterns: Considerations on emergence of diversification for message transmission, abstract.

DUVIGNAU Karine, GAUME Bruno, KERN Sophie, Semantic approximations intra concept vs inter concepts in early verbal lexicon: flexibility against error, abstract.

GUIDETTI Mich�le, Children gesture before beginning to speak: is this an evidence for phylogeny?, abstract.

KEREN-PORTNOY Tamar, DEPAOLIS Rory A., VIHMAN Marilyn M., The articulatory filter and the creation of sound-meaning links: A developmental study with implications for evolution, abstract.

KHATTAB Ghada, Input and language factors in the acquisition of geminate consonants by Arabic monolingual and bilingual children, abstract.

KIEBURG Anja, SCHULZ Petra, The role of parental input in early verb acquisition: Evidence from child German, abstract.

LALEVEE C., VILAIN A., From the proto-syllabic frame to the syllable: an audio-visual survey of 2 children from 6 to 15 months, abstract.

LINTFERT Britta, From Babbling to First Words: Acoustic Analysis of Two German Infants, abstract.

LOCKE John L., Contributions of Ontogenetic Stages to the Evolution of Language, abstract.

MATTHEWS Danielle, LIEVEN Elena, THEAKSTON Anna, TOMASELLO Michael, The effect of perceptual availability and prior discourse on young children's choice of referring expressions, abstract.

McCUNE Lorraine, Predicting The Transition to Language: Productive Skills in a Dynamic System, abstract.

MEGUERDITCHIAN Adrien, VAUCLAIR Jacques, Lat�ralit� et Communication Gestuelle Intentionnelle chez le Babouin (Papio anubis), abstract.

MILLOTTE S�verine, CHRISTOPHE Anne, MARGULES Sylvie, MORGAN Jim, Phonological phrase boundaries can help French and American infants to extract words form fluent speech, abstract.

MÜLLER Anja, HOEHLE Barbara, WEISSENBORN J�rgen, How does word category and the structure of the target language influence caretakers' strategies when teaching new nouns and verbs to 12-month-old German-leraning children?, abstract.

OLLER Kimbrough, BUDER Eugene, Evolutionary implications of vocal development in the first half-year of life, abstract.

REILLY Sheena, BARRETT Yin, EADIE Patricia, WAKE Melissa, BAVIN Edith, BRETHERTON Lesley, PRIOR Margot, WILLIAMS Joanne, The Early Language in Victoria Study (ELVS): a prospective study of emerging communication skills in 8 and 12 month old infants, abstract.

REIMERS Paula, The Role of UG in the Initial State of the Phonological Grammar, abstract.

ROZENDAAL Margot I., The acquisition of person and object reference in two-year-olds: morpho-syntactic forms for pragmatic functions from a cross-linguistic perspective, abstract.

SCHAUWERS Karen, TAELMAN Helena, GILLIS Steven, GOVAERTS Paul, The phonological development in young hearing-impaired children with a cochlear implant, abstract.

TAELMAN Helena, Fillers as signs of associative learning, abstract.

VENEZIANO Edy, NIEVA RAMOS Silvia, The first steps towards word combination: The contribution of conversation and of expressive options, abstract.

Last update / Dernière mise à jour le : 15-Sep-05