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Linguistic Diversity and its Sources

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France  Anglais  Last update : 01/06/2022     

Natalja ULRICH



Teams :   DiLiS 

  Training and professional background
  Main publications and conferences



09.2019 – present PhD at the University Lumiere 2 in Lyon, Dynamique Du Langage


02.2015 – 09.2017 Master at the University of Zürich Ethnology, General Linguistic, Graduation: Master of Arts UZH in Social Science Title Master thesis: Social and linguistic diversity: A ethnologic fieldwork research among ethnical Kirgiz in Karakol- Kirgizstan (GER).


02.2009 – 09.2013 Bachelor at the University of Zürich Slavonic studies, Ethnology, History of Arts Graduation: Bachelor of Arts UZH


09.2019 – present PhD at the University Lumiere 2 in Lyon, Dynamique Du Langage Supervisor: Dr. Dan Dediu 02.2015 – 09.2017 Master at the University of Zürich Ethnology, General Linguistic, Graduation: Master of Arts UZH in Social Science Title Master thesis: Social and linguistic diversity: A ethnologic fieldwork research among ethnical Kirgiz in Karakol- Kirgizstan (GER). Supervisor Prof. Dr. Peter Finke 02.2009 – 09.2013 Bachelor at the University of Zürich Slavonic studies, Ethnology, History of Arts Graduation: Bachelor of Arts UZH



PhDs and master thesis

Ulrich, N., 2022, "Linguistic and speaker variation in Russian fricatives", Thèse de doctorat, Sciences du langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, 94 p.


Ulrich, N., Pellegrino, F. & Tang, M., 2023, "Intra- and inter-speaker variation in eight Russian fricatives", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 153:4, pp. 2285-2297 (doi.org/10.1121/10.0017827)


Ulrich, N., 2023, "Database description: Russian fricatives recorded in 198 real speech sentences from 59 speakers", Data in Brief, 48, pp. 109205


Ulrich, N., Tang, M., Pellegrino, F. & Dediu, D., 2021, "Identifying the Russian voiceless non-palatalized fricatives /f/, /s/, and /ʃ/ from acoustic cues using machine learning", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 150:3, pp. 1806-1820 (doi.org/10.1121/10.0005950)

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