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Recent Publications

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Chapitre dans ouvrage


Designer l’humain en birman : l’émergence des catégories de ressortissant national et d’étranger au contact de l’occident. Une approche diachronique et culturelle

in Nommer l’humain, Aleksandrova, A. & Meyer, J.P. (eds)

Candier, A., de Mersan, A. & Vittrant, A.




Deictic directionals revisited in the light of advances in typology

in Neglected Aspects of Motion Events Description: Deixis, asymmetries, constructions, Sarda, L., Fagard, B. (eds)

Lamarre, C., Vittrant, A., Kopecka, A., Voisin, S., Bon, N., Fagard, B., Grinevald, C., Moyse-Faurie, C. & Risler, A., Song, J.K., Tan, A., Voirin, C.

John Benjamins Publishing Company



Emotional language: A brief history of recent research

in Approaches to Language and Culture, Völkel, S., Nassenstein, N. (eds)

Ponsonnet, M.

De Gruyter


En savoir plus : link


The derivational use of classifiers in Western Amazonia

in Binominal lexemes in cross-linguistic perspective: Towards a typology of complex lexemes,, Pepper, S., Masini, F., Mattiola, S. (eds)

Rose, F., Van linden, A.

De Gruyter


En savoir plus : preprint

Article de revues


A temporal-based therapy for children with inconsistent phonological disorder: a case-series

Sayyahi, F., Boulenger, V.

Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics


En savoir plus : doi


Up right, not right up: primacy of verticality in both language and movement

Boulenger, V., Finos, L., Koun, E., Salemme, R., Desoche, C., Roy, A.

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (Motor neuroscience)


En savoir plus : online article


Early development of syllable structure in French

Canault, M., Yamaguchi, N., Kern, S.

Language Learning and Development



Body representation plasticity is altered in Developmental Coordination Disorder

Martel, M., Boulenger, V., Koun, E., Finos, L., Farnè, A., Roy, A.



En savoir plus : online article


Form follows function in human nonverbal vocalisations

Pisanski, K., Bryant, G., Cornec, C., Anikin, A., Reby, D.

Ethology Ecology & Evolution



The Linguistic Embodiment of Emotions. A Study of the Australian Continent

Ponsonnet, M.



En savoir plus : link

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