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DDL on medias 2022

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Why do some languages not distinguish green from blue?
"Red, blue, green, black or white."
The article published in Scientific Reports by Mathilde Josserand and her colleagues "Environment and culture shape both the colour lexicon and the genetics of colour perception" was the subject of a "dossier" in the journal Sciences Humaines.
Find the whole of this "dossier" in the Grands Dossiers n°65 des Sciences Humaines or online.


Agnès Witko has contributed to several issues of the speech therapy journal L'Orthophoniste.
  • December: Following the XXIInd Speech and Language Therapy Meeting 2022 "Written language. State of speech and language therapy practices and research" where Agnès Witko, Sophie Joly-Froment and Françoise Bois-Parriaud were co-responsible for these meeting, a report of these two days has been published in the n°424 of L'Orthophoniste. To be found online.
  • October : Agnès Witko interviewed Maryse Bianco for the XXIInd Speech and Language Therapy Meeting 2022. This interview can be found in the n°422 of L'Orthophoniste and online.
  • September : Agnès Witko interviewed Eddy Cavalli for the XXIInd Speech and Language Therapy Meeting 2022. This interview can be found in the n°421 of L'Orthophoniste and online.


Katarzyna Pisanski wrote an article with David Reby in the n°78 InSHS Newsletter. The article is entitled « Écoutez-moi rugir ! » L'évolution et les fonctions sociales des vocalisations humaines non verbales.
The article was published in the July 2022 issue and is also available online.


On June 15, 2022, Sophie Kern participated in a podcast entitled "how speech comes to babies": 1h30 of interview on the development of language in children. The podcast is available online.


On June 6, 2022, Françoise Rose Françoise Rose was interviewed by Juan Carlos Zambrana Vaca for the broadcast Sache Moxos on the radio Patuju Trinidad.

On June 6, 2022, Katarzyna Pisanski was interviewed by the Austrian Broadcasting Company (an Austrian radio station) on the topic of "When voices get very loud".


The vocal tract in action
On Mai 5, 2022, the "magasine de la santé" (health magazine) broadcast on France 5 used the animation "The vocal tract in action 2.0" during a documentary about stuttering. Mélanie Canault contributed to this animation with Lyon 1.


A nice echo in the media following the publication in the journal Science of the article: "Tool use and language share syntactic processes and neural patterns in the basal ganglia" (2021) where the following collaborated de Véronique Boulanger, Alice Roy, Claudio Brozzoli and other collaborators.

Non exhaustive list

An article in the journal Journal du CNRS on 20/01/2022: "Bricoler pour mieux parler!".

An article in the journal Cerveau & Psycho on 27/11/2021: "Manier des outils améliore le langage".

An article in the journal Les Echos on 19/11/2021: "Les réseaux cérébraux dédiés au langage nous servent aussi au maniement d'outils".

An article in the website Science Times on 12/11/2021: "Tool Use, Language Skills Both Rely on the Same Neurological Resources; New Study Suggests Practicing One Improves the Other".

An article in the journal The Conversation on 11/11/2021: "Tool use and language skills are linked in the brain – and practising one improves the other".

An article in the journal Science Daily on 11/11/2021: "Using mechanical tools improves our language skills, study finds".

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