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![]() Lyon Summer School 2008 - Program |
This Summer
will introduce the concepts and practices of language documentation and
in linguistics. Language
description is the traditional subfield of
linguistics concerned with the analysis
of language structures and functions at different levels of
(phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon etc) and is often aimed at
grammars and dictionaries. Language
documentation is
a new subfield of linguistic inquiry and practice primarily concerned
with the compilation and preservation of primary linguistic data, and
inter-relationships between primary data and the various types of
based on these data. Language documentation strengthens the empirical
foundations of those branches of linguistics and related disciplines
which draw
heavily on data from lesser known speech communities (eg. linguistic
cognitive linguistics, ethnolinguistics etc.). It significantly
accountability (verifiability) of research and seriously addresses
issues of
access and use of primary data. Language documentation also serves the
needs of
language communities in educational and language revitalization and
efforts. (Cf. Gippert, Himmelmann & Mosel. 2006. ‘Essentials of
language documentation’. Mouton de Gruyter.) The courses
will be given by
specialists in
this emerging discipline: the AALLED (Africa Latin America Endangered
Languages) team in Lyon, the ELAP-HRELP (Hans Rausing Endangered
Project) team from SOAS ( A
plenary lecture
(in English) will take place every morning from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Lecture 0: Introduction to the Summer School (C. Grinevald) Lecture 1: What is language documentation? How does it differ from language description? (P. Austin) Lecture 2: Data management. (P. Austin) Lecture 3: Archiving: Handling of data. Good practices for data recording, storage, processing and use. Available tools. (D. Nathan) Lecture 4: Linguistic Anthropology: Linguistic Practices and their Cultural Context. (L. van der Veen) Lecture 5: Methodological and ethical issues of fieldwork. (C. Grinevald) Lecture 6: Inventory of Data Collection Methods, Elicitation, participant observation, text corpus, stimuli, Pros and cons, etc. (F. Lüpke) Lecture 7: Documenting concepts in Contact. (M. Brenzinger) The
post-lecture discussion
groups will take place every day from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., with two
English-speaking groups and one French-speaking group.
Their goal is to develop elements of the morning’s lecture, to discuss the issues raised and stimulate conversation. They will be directed by members of the 3L consortium. The "Fieldwork
Methods" workshops will take place every day (except for D5, see the
schedule) from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Some of these workshops will include
with a native speaker (probably of a Bantu language). Each workshop
will be
given twice: once in French, once in English. FM 1: “Phonology” FM 2: “Tonology” FM 3: “Morphology” FM 4: “Documentation
of contextualised linguistic practices” The
“Technology” workshops
will take place every day (see schedule) from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Each
will be given twice : once in French, once in English. TECH 1: “Field Linguist’s Toolbox
Software” TECH 2: “Audio Recording
Techniques” TECH 3: “Praat Software” TECH 4a: “Video
Recording Techniques” TECH 4b: “Eliciting
with Stimuli” Two advanced areal courses on linguistic structures will be taught in the afternoon, one on topics in African (Cushitic) languages, and one on topics in Amerindian (Mayan) languages. Both will be conducted in English. Evening
sessions will be
organised and led by members of the 3L consortium.
They will include open discussions on topics related to language documentation and description (including topics proposed by participants in the summer school), film showings related to fieldwork experiences, and the presentation of documentation projects. ICAR-DDL Conference Download the program (pdf) On Wednesday 25th of June, from 6 to 8pm, the ICAR-DDL Conference will take place at the "Ecole Normale Supérieur - Lettres et Sciences Humaines". The language of the Conference will be English. The conference will be a forum for exchanges between the DDL (Dynamique du Langage) Laboratory and the Lyon 3L Summer School 2008, and the ICAR (Interactions, Corpus, Apprentissages, Représentations) Laboratory and the I_DOCORA (Interaction : DOnnées, CORpus, Analyse) Summer School that ICAR is organising from the 23rd to the 27th of June. Discussions will be led by Colette GRINEVALD (DDL) and Lorenza MONDADA (ICAR) The “Fieldwork group” from
the Further information about the organisation and the
topics of the Student Conference is available here.
note that the Call for Papers is now closed. The Summer School will close on the 4th of July 2008 with a day-long conference on the topic of Evaluating the Vitality of Languages in the context of the UNESCO questionnaire The morning session will consist of presentations on situations in various countries in the context of the content of the UNESCO questionnaire, in preparation of the afternoon working session. Presentations will be given by:
Documents for the day can be accessed here:
Fees include enrolment at the Summer School, acommodation, and morning and midday meals
Université de Lyon - CNRS - Université Lumière Lyon 2 - DDL : Contact | Mentions légales | Plan du site