Dernière mise à jour : 02/07/2014 |
Formation et parcours professionnel
Thèmes de recherche
Activités scientifiques
Activités administratives
Responsabilité de projets
Participation à projets
Autres activités internationales
Principales publications et conférences
| ETUDES - 1984 - Docteur d'Etat en linguistique, Université de Provence
- 1975 - Ph-D en Linguistique, University of California, Berkeley
- 1972 - Diplôme d'Ingénieur en Informatique, INSA, Lyon
| SITUATION PROFESSIONNELLE - Directeur de Recherche, CNRS depuis 2005
- Professeur de linguistique à l'Université Lumière Lyon 2, 1980-2004
- Professeur de linguistique , Université de Californie, Santa-Barbara, USA, 1977-1980
- Post-Doc, Université de Californie, Los Angeles, USA, 1975-1977
- Teaching Assistant, Université de Californie, Berkeley, USA, 1975
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| Origine et évolution du langage et des langues |
| Cognition et changements linguistiques |
| Linguistique Africaine |
| Langue et Histoire
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| Conférence "Origine et diffusion du langage humain", Université du Luxembourg, 7 avril 2014
| Organisation d'une conférence internationale "Language Isolates in Africa", Décembre 2010, Lyon |
| Organisation d'une conférence internationale ESF/Eurocores OMLL "New Directions in Historical Linguistics", Mai 2008, Lyon,
http://www.ddl.cnrs.fr/colloques/index.asp?Action=Edit&Langue=FR&Page=NDHL |
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| RESPONSABILITÉS - Directeur Inter-Regional Sud-Est du CNRS, 2004-2005
- Directeur du département des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société du CNRS, 2002-2004
- Représentant de la France au sein du comité pour les Humanités de la Fondation Européenne de la Science, 2002-2004
- Responsable français du programme européen EUROCORES "The Origin of Man, Languageand Languages", 2002-2004
- Membre du conseil Scientifique de l'INALCO, 1999-2001
- Membre du Comité National pour le développement des Sciences Humaines et Sociales, 1998-2001
- Président du Conseil d'Administration de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure de Fontenay-St Cloud, 1998-2001
- Membre du Comité National de la recherche scientifique (membre de la section 34 et du bureau de cette section), 1996-2001
- Coordonnateur de l'ARASSH (Agence Rhône-Alpes des Sciences Sociales et Humaines), 1996-2000 (avec François d'Arcy)
- Directeur du laboratoire CNRS "Dynamique du Langage" (UMR 5596, CNRS et Université Lumière Lyon 2), 1994-2004
- Vice-président chargé de la Recherche et de la politique documentaire de l'Univeristé Lumière Lyon 2, 1991-1996
- Membre du Conseil Scientifique de l'Université Lumière Lyon 2, 1989-2004
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| Gabon : séjours réguliers depuis 1985 |
| Cameroun (région des Grassfields) : 1974-78 |
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| Responsable du projet ANR "Contribution de la Linguistique à l'Histoire de l'Afrique Sub-Saharienne (CLHASS)", 2008-2012 |
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| Participation au Projet ANR "Reflex", Responsable : G. Segerer |
| Participation au Projet ANR "TransMonDyn", Responsables : D. Pumain, L. Sanders, L. Nuninger |
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| "Classification of African Languages", Ecole d'été 3L, Leiden, Juillet 2010 |
| Séminaire "Populations and Languages", Ecole d'été, Montréal, Juin 2010 |
| "Prehistory of Languages", Linguistic Society of America, Berkeley, Juillet 2009 |
| " Histoire de l'Homme, Histoire du Langage" avec Gérard Lenclud, à l'EHESS, 2006-2009
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| Expert pour l'évaluation des "Starting Grants" de l'European Research Council ("Human Mind and its Complexity") et du programme "Strategy" |
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COMITÉS DE LECTURE ET ASSOCIATIONS PROFESSIONNELLES- Président du comité de lecture de CNRS Editions (2002-2004)
- Rapporteur pour "Language", "Journal of African Languages and Linguistics", "Journal of Phonetics"
- Evaluateur pour projets de recherche pour la "National Science Foundation", "National Institute of Health", "National Institute of Mental Health", "Agence Nationale de la Recherche", "European Research Council"
- Membre du Comité éditorial de "Language Dynamics and Change"
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Hombert, J.M. & Lenclud, G., 2014, "Comment le langage est venu à l'Homme"/1, Paris, Fayard, 560 p., Histoire de la pensée (Couverture)
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Idiata, D.F., Ratanga Atoz, A. & Hombert, J.M., 2013, "Atlas des langues du Gabon", Editions du CENAREST, Editions du CENAREST, 434 p., 9782356650696 |
Thèses et mémoires
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Hombert, J.M., 1984, "Phonétique expérimentale et diachronie: application à la tonogénèse", Thèse d'Etat, .Linguistique, Université de Provence |
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Hombert, J.M., 1975, "Towards a theory of tonogenesis: An empirical, physiologically and perceptually-based account of the development of tonal contrasts in language", Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of California, Berkeley |
Ouvrages édités
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d'Errico, F. & Hombert, J.M. (eds), 2009, "Becoming Eloquent", John Benjamins |
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Hombert, J.M. & Perrois, L. (eds), 2007, "Coeur d'Afrique. Gorilles, cannibales et pygmées dans le Gabon de Paul Du Chaillu", Paris, CNRS Editions (Couverture)
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Hombert, J.M. (ed), 2005, "Aux origines des langues et du langage", Fayard, 514 p. (Couverture)
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Hombert, J.M. & Hyman, L. (eds), 1999, "Bantu Historical Linguistics, Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives", CSLI Publications |
Chapitres dans les ouvrages
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Hombert, J.M. & Grollemund, R., 2018, "Phylogenetic Classification of Grassfields Languages", in Revealing structure: Finding patterns in grammars and using grammatical patterns to elucidate language. A Festschrift to honor Larry M. Hyman, Buckley, G., Crane, T. & Good, J. (eds), Stanford, California, CSLI Publications, pp. 85-103 |
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Coupé, C., Hombert, J.M., Marsico, E. & Pellegrino, F., 2013, "Investigations into Determinants of the Diversity of the World’s Languages. ", in East Flows the Great River: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. William S-Y. Wang on his 80th Birthday, Shi, F. & Peng, G. (eds), Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 75-108 (paper)
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Grollemund, R. & Hombert, J.M., 2012, "Use of Plant Names for the Classification of the Bantu Languages of Gabon", in Selected Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Connell, B. & Rolle, N. (eds), Somerville, MA, Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 150-163 (pdf)
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Coupé, C. & Hombert, J.M., 2005, "Les premières traversées maritimes : Une fenêtre sur les cultures et les langues de la préhistoire
", in Aux origines des langues et du langage, Hombert, J.M. (ed), Paris, Fayard, pp. 118-161 (chapter)
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Quintana-Murci, L. & Hombert, J.M., 2005, "Gènes et Langues : une évolution parallèle", in Aux Origines des langues et du langage, Hombert, J.M. (ed), Paris, Fayard, pp. 308-327 (Pdf)
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Coupé, C. & Hombert, J.M., 2005, "Polygenesis of linguistic strategies: a scenario for the emergence of language", in Language Acquisition, Change and Emergence: essays in evolutionary linguistics, Minett, J. & Wang, W.S. (eds), Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 153-201 |
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Li, C. & Hombert, J.M., 2002, "On the evolutionary origin of language ", in Mirror Neurons and the evolution of Brain and Language, Stamenov, M. & Gallese, V. (eds), John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 175-205 (Pdf)
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Hombert, J.M., 1989, "Tonper: un test de perception pour langues tonales", in Mélanges de phonétique générale et expérimentale offerts à Péla Simon, Institut de Phonétique de Starsbourg, .. (ed), 2 volumes (Pdf)
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Hombert, J.M., 1986, "Word games: their phonological implications", in Experimental Phonology, Ohala, J. & Yaeger, J. (eds), Academic Press, pp. 175-186 (Pdf)
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Hombert, J.M., 1986, "Development of nasalized vowels in the Teke language group", in The Phonological Representation of Suprasegmentals, Bogers et al, K. (ed), Dordrecht, Foris Publications, pp. 359-379 (Pdf)
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Hombert, J.M., 1980, "Noun classes of the Beboid Languages", in Noun classes in the Grassfield Bantu borderland, Hyman, L. (ed), Southern California Occasional Papers in Linguistics 8, pp. 83-98 (pdf)
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Hombert, J.M., 1980, "Le groupe noun", in l'Expansion bantoue, Hyman, L. & Voorhoeve, J. (eds), Viviers, Actes du Colloque International du CNRS, pp. 143-163 (Pdf)
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Hombert, J.M., 1978, "Consonant types, vowel quality, and tone", in Tone: A linguistic survey, Fromkin, V. (ed), New York, Academic Press, pp. 77-111 |
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Hombert, J.M., 1976, "Noun classes and tone in Ngie", in Studies in Bantu Tonology, Hyman, L. (ed), University of Southern California Occasional Papers in Linguistics 3, pp. 3-21 (Pdf)
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Hombert, J.M., 1975, "The perception of contour tones", in Proceedings of the First Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society, Cogen, C. (ed), Berkeley Linguistic Society, pp. 221-232 (Pdf)
Articles de revues
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Lopez, M., Choin, J., Sikora, M., Siddle, K., Harmant, C., Costa, H., Silvert, M., Mouguiama-Daouda, P., Hombert, J.M., Froment, A., LeBomin, S., Perry, G., Barreiro, L., Bustamante, C., Verdu, P., Patin, E. & Quintana-Murci, L., 2019, "Genomic Evidence for Local Adaptation of Hunter-Gatherers to the African Rainforest", Current Biology , 29, pp. 1-10 |
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Lopez, M., Kousathanas, A., Quach, H., Harmant, C., Mouguiama-Daouda, P., Hombert, J.M., Froment, A., Perry, G., Barreiro, L., Verdu, P., Patin, E. & Quintana-Murci, L., 2018, "The demographic history and mutational load of African hunter-gatherers and farmers", Nature ecology & evolution , 2(4), pp. 721-730 |
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Patin, E., Lopez, M., Grollemund, R., Verdu, P., Harmant, C., Quach, H., Laval, G., Perry, G., Barreiro, L., Froment, A., Heyer, E., Massougbodji, A., Fortes-Lima, C., Migot-Nabias, F., Bellis, G., Dugoujon, J.M., Pereira, J., Fernandes, V., Pereira, L., Van der Veen, L., Mouguiama-Daouda, P., Bustamante, C., Hombert, J.M. & Quintana-Murci, L., 2017, "Dispersals and genetic adaptation of Bantu-speaking populations in Africa
and North America
", Science, 356:6337, pp. 543-546 |
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Bostoen, K., Clist, B., Doumenge, C., Grollemund, R., Hombert, J.M., Koni Muluwa, J. & Maley, J., 2015, "Middle to Late Holocene Palaeoclimatic Change and the Early Bantu Expansion in the Rain Forests of West Central-Africa", Current Anthropology, 56:3, pp. 354-384 |
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Patin, E., Siddle, K., Laval, G., Quach, H., Harmant, C., Becker, N., Froment, A., Régnault, B., Lemée, L., Gravel, S., Hombert, J.M., Van der Veen, L., Dominy, N., Perry, G., Barreiro, L., Verdu, P., Heyer, E. & Quintana-Murci, L., 2014, "The impact of agricultural emergence on the genetic history of African rainforest hunter-gatherers and agriculturalists", Nature communications, 5, pp. [doi:10.1038/ncomms4163] |
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Verdu, P., Becker, N., Froment, A., Georges, M., Grugni, V., Quintana-Murci, L., Hombert, J.M., Van der Veen, L., Le Bomin, S., Bahuchet, S., Heyer, E. & Austerlitz, F., 2013, "Sociocultural Behavior, Sex-Biased Admixture, and Effective Population Sizes in Central African Pygmies and Non-Pygmies", Molecular Biology and Evolution, 30:4, pp. 918-937 |
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Berniell-Lee, G., Calafell, F., Bosch, E., Heyer, E., Bertranpetit, J., Van der Veen, L., Hombert, J.M., Quintana-Murci, L. & Comas, D., 2009, "Genetic and demographic implications of the Bantu expansion: insights from human paternal lineages", Molecular Biology and Evolution, 26:7, pp. 1581-1589 |
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Patin, E., Laval, G., Barreiro, L., Salas, A., Semino, O., Santachiara-Benerecetti, S., Kidd, K., Kidd, J., Gessain, A., Van der Veen, L., Hombert, J.M., Froment, A., Heyer, E. & Quintana-Murci, L., 2009, "Inferring the Demographic History of African Farmers and Pygmy Hunter–Gatherers Using a Multilocus Resequencing Data Set", PLoS Genet, 5:4 : e1000448. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000448 |
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Verdu, P., Austerlitz, F., Estoup, A., Vitalis, R., Georges, M., Théry, S., Froment, A., Lebomin, S., Gessain, A., Hombert, J.M., Van der Veen, L., Quintana-Murci, L., Bahuchet, S. & Heyer, E., 2009, "Origins and Genetic Diversity in Pygmy Hunter-Gatherers from Western Central Africa", Current Biology, 19:4, pp. 312-318 doi:10.1016/j.cub.2008.12.049 |
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Quintana-Murci, L., Quach, H., Harmant, C., Luca, F., Massonnet, B., Patin, E., Sica, L., Mouguiama-Daouda, P., Comas, D., Tzur, S., Balanovsky, O., Kidd, K., Kidd, J., Van der Veen, L., Hombert, J.M., Gessain, A., Verdu, P., Froment, A., Bahuchet, S., Heyer, E., Dausset, J., Salas, A. & Behar, D., 2008, "Maternal traces of deep common ancestry and asymmetric gene flow between Pygmy hunter-gatherers and Bantu-speaking farmers", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS), 105:5, pp. 1596-1601 (PDF)
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Hombert, J.M., 1992, "Terminologie des odeurs dans quelques langues du Gabon", Pholia, 7, pp. 61-66 (Pdf)
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Hombert, J.M., 1990, "Les langues du Gabon: Etat des connaissances", Revue gabonaise des Sciences de l'homme, 2, pp. 29-36 (Pdf)
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Hombert, J.M., 1990, "Atlas linguistique du Gabon", Revue gabonaise des Sciences de l'homme, 2, pp. 37-42 (Pdf)
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Hombert, J.M., Manfoumbi, M. & Mbongo, J.L., 1989, "Notes sur la phonologie diachronique du saké", Pholia, 4, pp. 149-156 (Pdf)
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Hombert, J.M., Medjo Mvé, P. & Nguéma, R., 1989, "Les Fangs sont-ils bantu?", Pholia, 4, pp. 133-147 (Pdf)
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Hombert, J.M. & Mouélé, M., 1988, "Eléments de phonologie diachronique du wanzi (langue bantu du Gabon - groupe B 50)", Pholia, 3, pp. 183-205 (Pdf)
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Louali, N. & Hombert, J.M., 1988, "Contribution à l'étude de l'évolution des occlusives dentales du proto-berbère", Pholia, 3, pp. 213-225 (Pdf)
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Hombert, J.M., 1987, "Phonetic conditioning for the development of nasalization in teke", Pholia, 2, pp. 85-94 (Pdf)
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Hombert, J.M. & Mortier, A.M., 1984, "Bibliographie des langues du Gabon", Pholia, 1, pp. 165-188 (pdf)
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Hombert, J.M., Ohala, J. & Ewan, W., 1979, "Phonetic explanations for the development of tones", Language, 55, pp. 37-58 (Pdf)
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Hombert, J.M., 1977, "Consonant types, vowel height and tone in Yoruba", Studies in African Linguistics, 82, pp. 173-198 (Pdf)
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Hombert, J.M., 1977, "Development of tones from vowel height", Journal of Phonetics, 5, pp. 9-16 (Pdf)
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Hombert, J.M., 1976, "Perception of tones of bisyllabic nouns in Yoruba", Studies in African Linguistics, sup. 6, pp. 109-121 |
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Hombert, J.M., 1975, "The Perception of contour tones", Berkeley Linguistic Society , 1, pp. 22-32 |
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Hombert, J.M., 1974, "Universals of downdrift: their phonetic basis and significance for a theory of tone", Studies in African Linguistics, sup. 5, pp. 169-183 (Pdf)
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Hombert, J.M., 1973, "Speaking backwards in Bakwiri", Studies in African Linguistics , 4, pp. 27-35 (Pdf)
Communications avec actes édités
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Hombert, J.M., 2016, "Anciennes questions et nouvelles réponses sur l’origine et la diffusion du langage
", proc. of Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Paris, Mars 2016 (vidéo)
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Hombert, J.M. & Philippson, G., 2009, "The Linguistic Importance of Language Isolates: The African Case", proc. of Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory 2, London, United Kingdom, November 13-14, 2009, Austin, P., Bond, O., Charette , M., Nathan, D. & Sells, P. (eds), University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies, pp. 145-151 |
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Hombert, J.M., 2008, "Continuity between non-human primates and modern humans"Proceedings of the 7th International Conference Evolang, Barcelone, 12-15 March 2008, Smith, A., Smith, K. & Ramon, F. (eds), World Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 441-2, Evolang (pdf)
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Hombert, J.M. & Ohala, J., 1982, "Historical development of tone patterns", proc. of Papers from the 3rd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Amsterdam, ., Maher et al, J.P. (ed), John Benjamins , pp. 75-84 (Pdf)
Conférences invitées dans colloque
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Hombert, J.M., 2010, "Language isolates and linguistic diversity:
A case for a mosaic approach to language emergence
", proc. of Berkeley Linguistic Society, Berkeley, CA, United States, February 14-16, 2009 |
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Grollemund, R., Branford, S., Hombert, J.M. & Pagel, M., 2016, "Genetic unity of the Niger-Congo family", Towards Proto-Niger Congo: Comparison and Reconstruction (2nd International Congress), Paris, Sept 1-3 |
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Grollemund, R., Branford, S., Field, S., Hombert, J.M. & Pagel, M., 2015, "Towards a new phylogeny of Niger-Congo languages", World Congress of African Linguistics (WOCAL 8), Kyoto, Japan, 21-24 August 2015 |
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Bostoen, K., Clist, B., Doumenge, C., Hombert, J.M., Grollemund, R., Koni Muluwa, J. & Maley, J., 2013, "Impact of Late Holocene palaeoclimatic changes on the Bantu expansion: A multidisciplinary view", 5th International Conference on Bantu Languages (Bantu 5), Paris, June 12-15, 2013 |
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Grollemund, R. & Hombert, J.M., 2012, "Linguistic Classification and population movements in the North Western part of the Equatorial forest", Colloque ‘The impact of a major environmental crisis on species, populations and communities: the fragmentation of African forests at the end of the Holocene’, Académie des Sciences, Paris, 1-2 mars 2012 |
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Coupé, C. & Hombert, J.M., 2012, "Impact of climatic and ecological contexts on sociolinguistic factors among Bantu populations.", The impact of a major environmental crisis on species, populations and communities: the fragmentation of African forests at the end of the Holocene., Académie des Sciences, Paris, 1-2 March (poster) (poster, abstract)
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Hombert, J.M., 2010, "Les langues du Gabon", sorosoro, Paris, 2010 (vidéo)
Articles dans magazines
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Hombert, J.M. & Mondot, J.F., 2010, "Un projet tel qu'une traversée maritime ne pouvait aboutir sans langage", T02281/118, Les Cahiers de Science et Vie, pp. 16-18 |
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Hombert, J.M., 2009, "La diversité culturelle de l'Afrique est menacée", 429, La Recherche, pp. 36-39 (pdf)
Film ou radio
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Hombert, J.M. & Dury, C., 2016, ""Jean-Marie Hombert, en images et sons" réalisé par Christian Dury", 10mn (vidéo)
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Hombert, J.M., 2009, "Collecte de données linguistiques sur l'Akele des Lacs et le Punu en collaboration avec Luc-Henri Fage (http://www.youtube.com/sorosorotv) ", Gabon, 30h (punu, Akele )
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Fage, L.H., Hombert, J.M. & Perrois, L., 2007, "Sur les Traces de Paul Du Chaillu", France, 63 minutes (site du film)