
Mercredi 7 décembre
3:00 P.M. - 6:30 P.M. Inscriptions
Institut des Sciences de l'homme - 14 avenue Berthelot - 69363 LYON Cedex 07

9:00 - 10:00 Conférencier Invité : Peter MACNEILAGE
10:00 - 10:30 LOCKE John L., Contributions of Ontogenetic Stages to the Evolution of Language
10:30 - 11:00 Pause café
11:00 - 11:30 OLLER Kimbrough, BUDER Eugene, Evolutionary implications of vocal development in the first half-year of life
11:30 - 12:00 McCUNE Lorraine, Predicting The Transition to Language: Productive Skills in a Dynamic System
12:00 - 12:30 DAVIS Barbara L., MacNEILAGE Peter F., Early lexical accuracy patterns: Considerations on emergence of diversification for message transmission
12:30 - 14:00 Pause Repas
14:00 - 15:30 Session de posters
Salles Ennat L�ger, Andr� Frossard, Georges Lyvet (sous-sol)
15:30 - 16:00 Pause café
16:00 - 16:30 ROZENDAAL Margot I., The acquisition of person and object reference in two-year-olds: morpho-syntactic forms for pragmatic functions from a cross-linguistic perspective
16:00 - 17:00 BASSANO Dominique, MAILLOCHON Isabelle, MOTTET Sylvain, Noun grammaticization in French: Prosodic and lexical factors on determiner use in children's speech
17:00 - 17:30 DUVIGNAU Karine, GAUME Bruno, KERN Sophie, Semantic approximations intra concept vs inter concepts in early verbal lexicon: flexibility against error
18:30 - 20:00 Visite du vieux Lyon
20:30 - 22:30 Dîner à la Commanderie des Antonins


Salle ENNAT LéGER (Sous-Sol)

1. CHEVALLIER Coralie, MERCIER Hugo, Comprendre l'acquisition des premiers mots pour comprendre l'�mergence du langage, abstract.
2. DUCEY-KAUFMANN Virginie, Is the evo-devo approach paradigmatic for language motor control emergence?, abstract.
3. FUSELLIER-SOUZA Ivani, Emergence et d�veloppement ontog�n�tique et phylog�n�tique des langues des signes : aspects linguistiques, cognitifs et sociaux, abstract.
4. GONTIER Nathalie, Does ontogeny recapitulate phylogeny in language evolution?, abstract.
5. NOIRAY Aude, MENARD Lucie, CATHIARD Marie-Agn�s, ABRY Christian, SAVARIAUX Christophe, The emergence of vocalic gesture control, abstract.
7. GEORGE Isabelle, COUSILLAS Hugo, RICHARD Jean-Pierre, HAUSBERGER Martine, VERNIER Baptiste, Brain lateralization of auditory processing in a songbird, abstract.

Salle André FROSSARD (Sous-Sol)

8. DAHNKEN Claudia, The development of early infant vowel productions in a phonetical perspective, abstract.
9. dos SANTOS Christophe, ROSE Yvan, Acquisition des sonantes et neutralisation positionnelle : considérations typologiques, prosodiques et articulatoires, abstract.
10. van der STELT Jeannette M., Exploring Dutch vowel production: development in the first two years, abstract.
12. NAZZI Thierry, IAKIMOVA Galina, FREDONIE S�verine, SUNDARA Megha, POLKA Linda, Exploring the development of speech segmentation abilities in French, abstract.
13. BORNSTEIN Marc H., LEACH Diane B., DE HOUWER Annick, Stability and continuity of early child vocabulary: reporter comparisons and a cumulative score for the CDI, abstract.
14. ZESIGER Pascal, BRUN Marie, DUPUIS LOZERON Elise, LEVY Arik, TACCOZ Muriel, ZANIER Ga�lle, Computerized assessment of lexical comprehension in toddlers, abstract.

Salle Georges LYVET (Sous-Sol)

15. FUREY Joan E., GOODRICH Megan, Distinguishing words from jargon: Is there an influence of maternal education?, abstract.
16. HALLE P.A., DURAND C., DE BOYSSON-BARDIES B., Sensitivity to noun-phrase syntax in 11-month-olds, abstract.
17. HERR-ISRAEL Ellen, Single Words to Combinations: Longitudinal analysis reveals constructive processes integrating lexical and pragmatic development within a conversational context, abstract.
18. KE Jinyun, Analyzing language development from a network approach, abstract.
19. SALAZAR ORVIG Anne, HASSAN Rouba, LEBER MARIN Jocelyne, MARCOS Hayd�e, MORGENSTERN Aliyah, PARES Jacques, Entre discours et grammaires : les premiers d�terminants, abstract.
20. THORDARDOTTIR Elin, GAGNE Andr�anne, LEVY Julia, KEHAYIA Eva, LESSARD Nicole, SUTTON Ann, TRUDEAU Natacha, Systematic language sample analysis in French: normative data for conversation, abstract.
21. THORDARDOTTIR Elin, NAMAZI Mahchid, Lexical and morpho-syntactic development in French-speaking children with specific language impairment, abstract.
22. VAN KAMPEN Jacqueline, Morph-syntactic development and the effects on the lexicon (A comparison between normal hearing children and children with a temporary hearing deficiency, abstract.

Last update / Dernière mise à jour le : 29-Sep-05