| The fourth International Summer School of the 3L (Lyon, London, Leiden) Consortium was hosted by the LED-TDR team (Langues En Danger-Terrain, Documentation, Revitalisation), members of the DDL and ICAR laboratories (University Lumière-Lyon 2 and ENS Lyon, France.
Following the 3L Lyon 2008, 3L London 2009 and 3L Leiden 2010 editions, this 3L Lyon 2012 edition focuses on the theme of Endangered Languages Revitalisation. The main objective of Lyon 2012 was to create a space of reflexion in an academic setting on the growing number of projects of revitalisation around the world. Based on an analysis of current and planned projects, the 3L Lyon 2012 edition aimed promote a critical outlook on fieldwork in contexts of language revitalisation. |
A Summer School
A trilingual Summer School (English, French and Spanish) on the roles of description, documentation and archiving of endangered languages in issues of maintenance, revalorisation, and revitalisation of such languages. It offered a reflexion on the role of linguists in contexts of endangered languages.
One goal of the summer school was to facilitate networking between researchers of ongoing field projects and to provide support for the launching of new field projects linked to revitalisation.
An International Conference
“1992-2012: twenty years of research on language endangerment”
with the participation of international researchers, and of the main institutions involved in issues of language endangerment (including l’UNESCO, the Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project, the CTLDC consortium and the Sorosoro programme).
A Junior Researchers Conference
This conference allowed students to present their works from a critical perspective